
This is a great thought that should come to the mind of every human being before passing this life "TO GO INTO ETERNITY WITHOUT BEING BORN AGAIN".

There are many people who have never stopped to think that eternity will never end, and that once you die WITHOUT BEING BORN AGAIN, YOU ARE LOST FOR EVER AND EVER.

God is not going to change his plan or purpose because you let the devil blind you with the cares of this life and of this world, through lust being deceived of the devil and refusing to accept God's purpose toward the human family.

I hope you consider that YOU MUST SPEND ETERNITY SOMEWHERE EITHER IN GOD'S HEAVENLY KINGDOM OR IN HELL'S FIRE that burneth with fire and brimstone, read Revelation 20th chapter verses 10 through 15 and 11 Thessalonians chapter 1 verses 7 through 9.

Now the way God has prepared for us to escape this damnation or destruction is by BEING BORN AGAIN not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever, read I Peter chapter I verses 22, 23, 24, & 25.

You can see that the Apostle, Peter here preached the same gospel that Jesus preached in St. John 3rd chapter, read verses 1 Through 7. WITHOUT BEING BORN AGAIN, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

Dear reader, through the first birth, we came into the world in sin. Psalms 51:5, Romans chapter 3 verses 20 through verse 26. You can see here, that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. You see, dear reader, that through Adam's disobedience, we all became sinners. So, read Romans chapter 5 verse 19 through verse 21.

In order that we be delivered from this sinful life, WE MUST BE BORN AGAIN of the water and spirit (the water birth) being buried with him by baptism unto death. Romans chapter 6 verses 3 and 4. Acts chapter 2 verse 38 declares this baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, is for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

This is the only way out of sin; you must OBEY FROM THE HEART THIS FORM OF DOCTRINE. Read again Romans chapter 6 verses 17 and 18. This gives you to understand that ONE MUST BE BORN AGAIN in order to live a life that will be pleasing in the sight of God read Romans chapter 12 verses 1and 2. The natural man can not please God therefore, HE MUST BE BORN AGAIN.

Our first birth (of the flesh) cannot help us get into God's Kingdom read St. Johnchapter 3 verses 5 through 7. Notice in verse 6 Jesus said, THAT WHICH IS BORN OF THE FLESH IS FLESH; AND THAT WHICH IS BORN OF THE SPIRIT IS SPIRIT. God require man to get the spiritual birth. He tells us that WE MUST BE BORN AGAIN.

This natural man will please himself, not God. He will go after the pleasures and cares of this life, such as drinking strong drinks, smoking, committing adultery, stealing, fornication, murder, gambling, and all kinds of sports trying to satisfy and please himself. He will make the pleasures of this world more important than serving God read 11 Timothy chapter 3 verses 1 through 7. Man will not seek to please God, this he can not do except he IS BORN AGAIN.

We, ourselves once, did the same things but after BEING BORN AGAIN, we became a NEW CREATURE IN CHRIST JESUS. 11 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17, Titus chapter 3 verses 1 through 5. 
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59. Yield yourself to God 2/13 (Listen)

60. Redeemed from the hand of the Enemy 2/13 (Listen)

61. The Holy Ghost and the Titles 10/12 (Listen)

62. The New Birth 12/13 (Listen)

63. Jesus said “I will give you Rest” 12/11 (Listen)

64. Paul and Silas in Prison 7/11 (Listen)

65. Many False Prophets shall arise 3/13 (Listen)

66. A Vile Nature 12/13 (Listen)

67. Lovers of Pleasure more than God 3/11 (Listen)

68. Believing as the Scriptures say 3/13 (Listen)

69. Pride is an Abomination 3/13 (Listen)

70. To Suffer for Christ 12/12 (Listen)

71. Present yourself to God 11/12 (Listen)

72. It’s a Blessing to Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness 8/12 (Listen)

73. God’s Coming 9/12 (Listen)

74. Faith(Pt. 1)..Will give you a Good report 11/11 (Listen)

75. Faith(Pt. 2).. Will get you the Blessings 11/11 (Listen)

76. To be Hated for Christ’s Sake 4/12 (Listen)

77. Speaking God’s Word; Not mine 5/11 (Listen)

78. Day of the Lord (Repent) 11/11 (Listen)

79. They will NOT endure sound Doctrine 5/11 (Listen)

80. You MUST be Born Again 4/12 (Listen)

81. To be Saved; you MUST be Baptized 2/11 (Listen)

82. There’s ONLY one God 10/12 (Listen)

83. He’s A God of ALL Comfort 2/12 (Listen)

29. Blessed Are Ye When Men Shall Hate You 2/18 (Listen)

30. Having God’s Spirit 4/14 (Listen)

31. Serve the Lord with Gladness 3/14 (Listen)

32. God shall punish those who obey NOT the Gospel 2/14(Listen)

33 Seek ye First God’s Kingdom 12/13 (Listen)

34. The Wisdom of this World 6/13 (Listen)

35. Examine Yourself… (Whether you’re in the Faith) 10/13 (Listen)

36. The Head Covering 10/13 (Listen)

37. God said: The head of the Woman is the Man 2/14 (Listen)

38. Women wearing Pants 7/11 (Listen)

39. To Thirst after Righteousness 12/12 (Listen)

40. I stepped out for the Truth 3/13 (Listen)

41. He that Believeth is Baptized 12/12 (Listen)

42. God’s Word on Marriage 1/13 (Listen)

43. Jesus Christ was God in the Flesh 10/13 (Listen)

44. Ye who are troubled, come unto me 9/13 (Listen)

45. The prayer of Faith shall save the Sick 9/13 (Listen)

46. Husbands love your Wives 9/13 (Listen)

47. Being Born Again 6/14 (Listen)

48. Marriage and Adultery 9/13 (Listen)

49. Let God cleanse you from sin 5/14 (Listen)

50. Enduring Temptations 8/13 (Listen)

51.God’s Returning 7/13 (Listen)

52. Remember thy Creator in thy Youth 6/13 (Listen)

53. Women Preachers and Fornicators 7/13 (Listen)

54. Jesus said “Learn of Me”… 3/13 (Listen)

55. Are you Dead to Sin? 2/13 (Listen)

56. A Famine for God’s Word 5/13 (Listen)

57. You MUST be A Believer to escape Destruction 5/13 (Listen)

58. God’s Word cannot change 2/13 (Listen)

 1. The Removing or Forgiving of Sin 2/18 (Listen)

 2.  How to get into Heaven 12/15 (Listen)

 3.  Christmas(A Heathen Holiday) 11/15 (Listen)

 4. The Unmarried having Children is Sin 11/15 (Listen)

 5.  God called me into the Ministry 3/14 (Listen)

 6.  Holding the Apostolic Standard 8/13 (Listen)

 7.  Serve the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness 8/15 (Listen)

 8.  Forbidding To Marry 12/13 (Listen)

 9.  Suffer NOT A Woman to Preach(Teach) 1/12 (Listen)

 10. The Modest Apparel 8/16 (Listen)

 11. The Wages of Sin 1/14 (Listen)

  12. A Believer will trust in God 8/14 (Listen)

  13. Believe God from the Heart 4/16 (Listen)

  14. Salvation through Jesus Christ 1/16 (Listen)

  15. Serve the Lord with Gladness 12/15 (Listen)

  16. The Holy Ghost is Power and A Comforter 4/15 (Listen)

  17. To Seek after God 4/15 (Listen)

  18. Save Yourself 2/2014 (Listen)

 19.  God requires the Baptism for Salvation 3/15 (Listen)

  20.Fornication is Unrighteous 9/14 (Listen)

  21. Every Spirit is NOT of God 2/15 (Listen)

 22. Father’s Day 2015 (Listen)

  23. Without Natural Affection 12/13 (Listen)

  24. God’s word on Remarriage 6/14 (Listen)

  25. The Word of God 1/14 (Listen)

  26. Tithes and Offerings 1/14 (Listen)

  27. Children are disobedient to Parents 6/14 (Listen)

  28. Set your Affection on things above 3/14 (Listen)

 29.  Born of the Water AND spirit 6/13 (Listen)